womens suffrage

Stung by accusations that, in an effort to make white Conservatives feel better about being bigots, the National Archive has been removing any references to periods of history that Conservatives feel paint “America” in a less than flattering light — for example, the Japanese Internment, the genocide of First Americans, and Martin Luther King Jr.’s entire existence. The Archives are reportedly counterattacking the criticism with a new exhibit titled “The 19th Amendment: America’s Big Screw-Up.”

American woman voting.
“I think I’ll vote for the rapist who hates women.” – White Women Everywhere

A spokesperson for U.S. Archivist, Collen Shogan, said of the decision, “We understand the perception that the National Archive museum has, in recent years, tilted toward glorifying White American history, to a point where we are, perhaps, not acknowledging that America has ever been fallible. So, to provide some balance, this new exhibit will full embrace how bad the USA messed up when it let females have the ballot.”

National Archives
“You’re a loser if you don’t know history is written by the winners.” – Anonymous GOP staffer, National Archives

The feeling within the Archive staff is that this exhibit offers the best of both worlds — a recognition that the US is fallible, and a perspective that will not offend White Conservatives, especially White Conservative Men.

“Women should be in charge of bake sales. And nothing else.” – Conservative White Men

“Who could possibly have an issue with this exhibit?” said the spokesperson. When asked if they thought women would find the exhibit offensive, the spokesperson shrugged and said, “Eh, they shouldn’t be worrying their pretty little heads about it.”

The spokesperson went on to add that, in light of criticisms regarding the cost the National Archive Museum will incur to revamp exhibits and remove any history critical of Whites — currently estimated at over $300,000 — the new exhibit will be fully funded by Peter Thiel.

“Don’t blame me for this. Everyone knows how much I love women.” – Peter Thiel

Note: This is post is satire, but the assault on our history by the GOP is reality. Here is the first paragraph of a Current Affairs article by Nathan J. Robinson detailing the insidious Republican agenda:

“The National Archives museum, under Biden-appointed U.S. Archivist Colleen Shogan, has been working to reshape its narrative of American history in order to make white conservatives more comfortable.”

To read more, here is a link to the full article It’s Going to Take a Constant Fight to Preserve the Historical Record

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