“The upcoming horrible recession of 2028 will be totally and completely Sleepy Joe Biden’s fault,” President Trump said from his Mar-a-Lago office, moisturizing his face with a handful of warm French fries. “In 2025, I inherited a terrible economy from Biden, where Americans were starving to death in the streets, eating their pets to survive, and selling their children to Chinese tourists — who are all infected with the China virus — to make ends meet.”

A quick Google search by the Political Americans research team revealed a different narrative, where facts show that Biden’s administration created 16.6 million new jobs in America, saw soaring stock market gains, and generated a remarkably low unemployment rate of 4.1% upon Biden leaving office in 2025. Biden and the Federal Reserve, in fact, orchestrated a miraculous soft landing after the U.S. suffered through the stressful post-Covid turmoil that impacted the entire global economy.
While the Republican disinformation machine leveraged the fortunes and power of billionaires like Elon Trump to whip up rabid fervor over the price of eggs and aggressive international trade tariffs, the propaganda apparatus has already begun making excuses for a second Trump administration. After winning the 2024 election, the Trump administration promptly abandoned any plans to help working-class America, and instead shifted focus to expanding its disinformation agenda by mischaracterizing an inevitable recession as the result of U.S. taxpayer money and resources being transferred to Trump and his wealthy grifter friends.

“Joe Biden and his woke DEI agenda are fully responsible for the disastrous recession that will overtake America in the next two or three years,” Trump explained, now dipping the French fries into a dog bowl of Diet Coke and mashing them into his mouth. “Only I can make America great again,” Trump continued, “by ensuring that our media illiterate nation continues to be manipulated by identity politics and convinced that billionaires want what’s best for the working class.” Trump took a moment to laugh at this statement and then said, in closing, “We’re going to need to raid Medicare and Social Security to offset the losses from the 2028 recession. All because of Sleepy Joe Biden.”